Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Service & Learning in Philadelphia

HL-Philadelphia students and staff did not rest on Monday, January 16th, MLK Day. Our teams spent the day giving back to our community by doing various projects around the Olney area. Leading up to MLK Day, Program Directors provided space for our students to learn about Martin Luther King Jr., and explore why we view this day as a day of service. Thomas K Finletter boys and girls watched “My Friend Martin” as well as MLK’s famous “What's Your Life's Blueprint” speech that takes place in Philadelphia. After learning more about MLK’s legacy, the Olney Middle School boys created vision boards with inspirational words & photos to prepare them for their day of service.

The Olney High School boys & girls took to the Olney High School Field to pick up trash, and clean up the space that they utilize every day. 

Thomas K. Finletter boys and girls teams cleaned up their school yard as well as completed some “housekeeping” projects throughout the school. Principal Brown could not have been more impressed and happy with what the students were doing for their school. 

Olney Middle School Boys made sure the Olney schoolyard was spotless by picking up trash throughout the schoolyard, and the streets that surround the Elementary School. 

While the school spaces were being cleaned, Coach Christina took a few of her 6th graders to a local church to volunteer with Color of Change as they filled bags for Serve our Sisters to pass out to local incarcerated women.

Lastly, a group of young women from the middle school and  high school teams participated in Live Like Blaine’s Captains Practice, where they learned about what it takes to be the best teammate, and heard from some impressive young women about being a leader.

Community service is a priority at Harlem Lacrosse - Philadelphia, one that is shared by our staff and student-athletes. We feel privileged to have the opportunity to give back to the Olney community and all who benefit from the shared community spaces we enjoy daily!