Outdoor Experiences with Elevate Youth

In October, the Joseph Lee Girls team went on their first Elevate Youth trip of the Fall 2019-20 school year. Elevate Youth Boston is an organization whose mission is to empower youth through outdoor experiences with the support of positive adult role models. The students spent the afternoon at the Boston Nature Center and Wildlife Sanctuary in Mattapan.

In the Joseph Lee girls first year as a program, many students earned trips with Elevate Youth such as hiking, rock climbing, and even sailing. Now going on their second year as a program there were several students who had been on Elevate Youth trips and some who had not. The day at the Boston Nature Center was outstanding. The activities the students took part in weren’t necessarily as exciting as rock climbing or sailing, but it is possible that this was the most powerful excursion they had been on yet. Alec and Nick led the team on a trail hike, with smaller activities such as drawing and observing at points in the walk.

This trip was important for the group of students for several reasons. Only twelve of them earned the opportunity to attend, about half of the team. The girls who went on the trip earned this opportunity through good behaviors in and out of the classroom. Each student athlete worked hard to get that spot and made the most of their afternoon with Elevate Youth. 

Most importantly, this was the first trip of the year that wasn’t lacrosse related. This served as a reminder to the student athletes of what it means to be apart of Harlem Lacrosse. They are sharing these special moments and experiences with teammates, coaches, and mentors.They are more than athletes, they are engaged student athletes who value the people and places around them, while stepping out of their comfort zone to try something new!

Thank you so much to our partner Elevate Youth for always reminding us the power and importance and being outdoors!

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